Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Soul in Throe!

When  the Sun reclines on the distant horizon
as the dusk flys by,
a soul far away awaits for obscure night to fall
upon the golden sky;
As darkness dawns inch by inch...
ripping the golden sheets,
a ghost like figure, pale in white
awakes from her deepest sleep!
Soon the flaming ablaze sets behind the placid lake
burning the house in red aglow,
the obsolete place comes to life
with a room lit dim in candle,
over the lake sweet breezes blow;
A lady in white moves inside,
leaving the earthy floor untouched
almost like floating, blessed with such a grace;
by the window she halts her feet,
standing against the cold cold breeze...
glimmering skin shines like pearl,
Oh! such an angelic face!

Ogle eyes fixed at sky,
looking for some sign above,
stares wider blankly in dark;
ignoring all those blinking stars,
all she does is wait and wait..
till the crescent moon sparks!
When the moon recedes from above,
she asks the moon to find her love
who's gone to the country behind the lea;
as she pleas the moon to speak...
speak something she lives to hear,

a news from the island across the sea!

So rapt and lost in her thoughts,
she weaves the web with dreamy threads
of love she waits for days and nights;
and all she lives to see the day,
a promise once made for return
as the moon shines high full and bright!

As the moon shines high full and bright
the lost one will come back to home
to end her dark and lonely nights!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Rain of Salvation!

Let it rain, like it had never before,
destructive,loud and violent;
wash my tears with those bulky shower
and chill the volcanic crates,
drizzle on me, Oh holy one!
while I bow you meek and silent..
            Let those dark clouds collide and crumble,
            shaking the sky, vibrate to the core,
            cataclysmic roar so raucous
            blending my cries in its echoes!
            Let those droplets hit me like bullets,
            shooting right through my body
            making millions of holes drenched with rainbows,
            glowing like a ravishing jewel.
Bathe me, Oh benign one! 
disinfect me, my soul is afflicted,
purify me from everything infernal.
I beseech you for your benediction!
grant me impunity, liberate my conscience;
as it has been benighted and bewitched!
Pour your mercy on me, kindle me with peace,
I offer you libation of my blood...
          Let the rain fall, drip! drip! drop!....
          melting me inch by inch,
          dribble that holiness from tip to toe;
          saturate me and quench my thirst.
          Let me fall, drop by drop, disintegrated,
          perished to nothingness, vanish completly,
          disconnected from dismal and disconsolate life,
          free at last, sweet salvation at last....
Let them sing the dirge of goodbyes, if they wish;
I'll listen to them as rhapsody of my freedom!
Let  them mourn few minutes of their time, if they wish;
I'll ruminate in that silence,quiet at peace!
         Let it rain, warm and drizzling,
         dispersing every drop of me,everywhere,here and there!
         Let me be soaked by the soft earth, and pulled deep..deep down to the very core,
         and let me hydrate and gratify the drought souls within!
         Let the tit bits of my remain above be drank by the mighty Sun,
         be vaporized and extricated, weightless at last...
Take me to my destiny where it awaits, soft and white above,
let me be trapped and be intrisic with them
and take part in the parade, begin the march of pride!
Deep down is the station where the march will rest,
back to the womb where I'll bloom,as I have chosen my fate!
         Pack those bags of soft and white, load as much as it holds,
         there won't be a second to stop and rest,march as fate have told,
         Dunes and valleys, hold your breath,here I come to you!
         Plains and mountains, open wide,let me rain for you!
         Let me roar, strike and fall.....breaking the hold of cloud,
         faster and fierce my speed grows as my fate pulls me down.
Let me rain, like it had never before,
soft,gentle and proud;
wash your fear with enchanted dews
and blow the happiness in you,
let me scratch harder and harder to erode the silt of guilts..
shower your darkness with sweet salvation
and set your pitiful soul free.
Be my audience as I downpour,on and on and on....
let me rain, divine and merciful, as I have never before!