Power of Us
This small word might seem leaner ang thinner as you write and it migh sound shorter and ligher as you speak but the power of this word is beyond imagination.As you all know you can't gudge a book by its cover, you can't gudge power of a word by its size. And i am telling you that you shouldn't get fooled by its size, not at all. because it would be too foolish to neglect this word by its size.
Only those are known to its power who have drown themselves in its depth and tasted the sweetness of it. The main source of this fierce power fo this small word is unity. Unity is strength and this word is loaded with it. The word 'Us' itself symbolises unity, it is like a synonyms to unity and that is the main power sourse of it. Even those people who uses this word are strong and should not be messed with. Because they are never alone. They always have someone close by them to help them out with their problems.They always have their pairs of helping hands to pull then out of troubles and push them to climb up.They always have extra pair of eyes to watch out for them. This word not only symbolises unity, it also resembles love , care, affection and humanity itself.
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