Sunday, November 6, 2011

My infuriated conscience!

Don't give me any names oh! nameless one,
I don't need my introduction from you
I know myself better than you think I do
and am capable of throwing lots of names to someone interlope as you...

Don't test my patience oh! shameless one,
just because I am holding my peace doesn't mean
I don't have any answer for your arrogance,
don't misinterpret my silence as my weakness,
the day I break it you'll run out of words to hurl back at me... 

Don't cross your line oh! infidile soul,
no one gave you any right to judge me as heartless,
just because I don't let my emotions dance all over  my face
for you to see and get amused by it
doesn't mean I am stone inside........

Don't keep yourself  in delusion oh! brainless jerk,
you think you know how to push every buttons of mine
and made yourself believe that you know it all about me,
who I was,how I am and what I can be!
Stop fooling yourself!
the day my heart pumps to revolt,
the ashes of your delusion will blow PUFF! in thin air.......