Thursday, December 29, 2011

Pinching the Inches...

Your ego is too big for you to pick up the phone and call me,
so is mine!
This tension between us,
could be some mis-spoken words
or some misunderstood thoughts,
neither you bothered to clear the air nor did I..
Your voice is too precious for you to spare on me and talk,
so is mine!
This friction between black and white,
all there is left are choices;
choices to be made between right and wrong..
sick and tired I am as  you are,
is it you getting weak or am I being strong?
Surprising! when did we declared this race between us?
if you are already running to win
then my feet are too blowing some dust!
Your victory is too must for you to hold on and wait for me,
so is mine!

Then again,this mixture of bitter and sweet,
you love and I hate
all your luck and my fate!
ah! this cloudy rain blocking our way
must be something I did
or something you said!
Your love and hate is too confusing for you to come into my arms,
so is mine!

Amusing it is as annoying too!
this circle of getting and loosing
love to hate or hate to love,
halt to run or run to stop!
So noisy,pulling and pushing of this chain,
crushing all out to dust
everything vanishes in between but not this pain..
never ending this process,you hold and I release
getting pleased and being pissed..
Your pride is too tall and high for you to jump and see the other side,
so is mine!

All these sensation must be burning you inside,
your heart might be crying,so is mine!
This lethal silence is tearing us apart,
you soul might be dying,so is mine!
your love might be lying,
I guess,so is is mine!



Friday, December 23, 2011

राजनैतीक मुल्य र मन्यताका खोक्रा पगरी गुथेका समाजका यी धमिरहरुलाई निम्ट्यान्न पार्ने औषधी के?

लेखक रमेश बिकलद्वारा रचित उपन्यास 'सागर उर्लन्छ सगरमाथा छुन'
मा कृष्णराजा नामक एक सह नायक हैइनरिख नामक मुख्य पात्र लाई भन्दै -
         टाढा बाट हेर्दा सुर्यको प्रकाशमा काँचको  टुक्रो पनि हीराजस्तै चम्क्न्छ।सगरमाथाको शिखर पनि घाममा  चम्क्न्छ र टाढा बाट हेर्दा अत्यन्त मनमोहक सुनको गजुरझै लाग्छ;चाँदीको पर्वतझै टल्क्न्छ। तर त्यसको नजिक पुगेपछी जब हीउँले हातखुट्टाका का औँला झारिदिन्छ, त्यसक  भयङ्कर भीरहरु मान्छेका चिहान बन्छन अनी थाहा हुन्छ यसको असल ,सक्कली अनुहार कस्तो हुन्छ।तपाई र तपाईजस्ता भावुक विदेशीहरु  मेरो देशको जुन सुन्दर, शान्त र विशाल व्यक्तित्व देख्नु हुन्छ,त्यो अहिले त टाढा बाट काँच हीरझैं टल्केजस्तो मात्र भएको छ। नजिकबाट हेर्दा यसको सुन्दर्,शान्त र भव्यतालाई भित्रभित्रै धमिराले खोक्राइसकेको वा मुसाले खोक्राइसकेको थाहा हुन्छ।ती मुसा र धमिरा हुन यस देशको भ्रस्ट प्रशासन,पतनशील सत्ता र त्यस सत्ताद्वारा पोशित देश र समाजका घातक  तत्व,अनी तिनैका छत्रछाया मुनी पलिएका जुम्राहरु।


Wednesday, December 14, 2011

"तिमी सजिलैसँग भन्छौ - तँ शिक्षित सचेत नारी"

इलेनले दीर्घ नि:श्वास छोडेर भनी-
     "यहाँको समयभन्दा संस्कार बलवान  छ,सामाजिक न्याय र मुलुकको आवश्यकताभन्दा शास्त्र बलवन छ।त्यसैले यहाँ मुलुकी ऐन र विद्वानहरुको भाषान - प्रव्चन, राजनीतिको नारामा नारिलाई जतिसुकै स्वतन्त्रत,समान अधिकार प्राप्त भए पनि व्यवहारमा त अविवहित छौन्जेल बाबुको अधिनम,विहेपछी लोग्नेको पैतालामुनी र बुढी भएपछी छोराहरुको दयामा हुन्छे नारि।त्यसैले म जतिसुकै सचेत र शिक्षिता भए पनि म बाबुको अधिनमा बाँच्न विवश छु।नत्र कलंकीनी ठह्रिन्छु।"  - सागर उर्लन्छ सगरमाथा छुन (रमेश बिकल)
                     Each page I turn up and turn down, the boundaries of situations,the helplessness of characters and the dark and torn reality of the society hidden beneath  the pretty faces are giving me a spine chilling shocks.And each time I feel that  chill running through my vein I couldn't stop admiring the simplistic yet very artistic way the writer have reveled  the true and torturous side of a certain era;the era where no mind was free by birth,no soul was superior by its capability and no dreams were per-suable enough unless you take birth on certain hirarchial circle with certain family names to back you up. And again it made me think harder that according to some bulky history books we may have gone way pass that era now but have we thrown that rotten culture out of our house yet?have we really adapted the change in our family circle yet?Are we( especially women at our homes) free by birth now,are our souls now considered equally pure now,are we free to think and free to dream yet???  If you have the answer please,do tell me!    

Friday, December 2, 2011

Between Me n U....

its not ur words dat hurts me most,
its ur intensions!
its not ur ignorance dat makes me cold,
its ur unwillingness to understand!
heard u hurling so many curses at me,
but damn,still can't say i hate u cuz i don n i neva wil
seen u laughing so many times at my feelings,
but damn,still can't throw u outta ma hrt n don think i eva wil
its not this distance dat makes me cry,
its dis unbearable pain u create wen m near
its not ur anger dat scares me most,
its dis feeling dat in d end
i may not mean anything to u at all..